Vodavi Phones

Vodavi Phones available for most new and discontinued Vodavi Phone Systems

(image for) Vodavi 61614 Phone

Vodavi 61614 Phone

The 61614 is the executive phone with a display and provides all the same bussons available on the low model the 61612. Available in most all the...
(image for) Vodavi 61610 Phone

Vodavi 61610 Phone

The 61610 was the lower end model for for the Vodavi 308, 616, and the 1224 phone systems. The 61610 does not have the display or the programmable...
(image for) Vodavi 61612 Phone

Vodavi 61612 Phone

The 61612 was the most popular selling phone for the Vodavi 308, 616, and the 1224. Like the 61614 executive phone is also has what is known as the...
(image for) Vodavi 9015 Phone

Vodavi 9015 Phone

The Vodavi Infinite Display phone is available in either Black or White Compoatible with the Vodavi Infinite Phone System. Choose Color Below Black...
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(image for) Vodavi DHS Executive Key Display Phone Refurbished

Vodavi DHS Executive Key Display Phone Refurbished

With a 2 row by 16 column (32 character) dot-matrix LCD display, with 3 interactive soft buttons. Fully equipped for hands-free operation. 8 fixed...
(image for) Vodavi Infinite Phone with Display 9011 Refurbished

Vodavi Infinite Phone with Display 9011 Refurbished

The Vodavi Infinite Display phone is available in either Black or White
(image for) Vodavi Starplus 1411 Phone

Vodavi Starplus 1411 Phone

Starplus 1411 Telephone Description: Basic key phone. 14 button key telephone with features such as call Announce Intercom and On-Hook Dialing....
(image for) Vodavi Starplus 1412 Phone

Vodavi Starplus 1412 Phone

Vodavi Phones - Starplus 1412 Telephone Description: Basic key phone. 14 button key telephone with features such as call Announce Intercom and...
(image for) Vodavi Starplus 1414 Phone

Vodavi Starplus 1414 Phone

Vodavi Phones - Starplus 1414 Telephone Description: Executive display speakerphone. Combines basic and enhanced model functionality with a 48...
(image for) Vodavi Starplus DHS Key Non Display Phone Refurbushed

Vodavi Starplus DHS Key Non Display Phone Refurbushed

Is a fully equipped for hands-free speakerphone operation Expanded to 28 buttons, 8 fixed and 20 user-programmable feature buttons. Equipped with...
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